Welcome to sphinxjp.themes.impressjs’s documentation


pip install sphinxjp.themes.impressjs
mkdir test
cd test
vi conf.py
extensions = [‘sphinxjp.themecore’]
html_theme = ‘impressjs’
html_use_index = False
vi index.rst
.. This is sample documentation file for sphinxjp.themes.impressjs.

Welcome to sphinxjp.themes.impressjs’s documentation

.. impressjs:: title
:data-x: 0
:data-y: 0
:data-z: -1000
:data-rotate-x: -90
:data-scale: 4


.. impressjs:: features
:data-x: 1000
:data-y: 800
:data-rotate: 180
:data-rotate-y: -30
:data-scale: 1


* provide “impressjs“ directive for impress.js presentaion control
* provide “impressjs“ presentation theme for render HTML document

.. impressjs:: installation
:data-x: -1000
:data-y: -800
:data-rotate-y: 30
:data-scale: 1


.. code-block:: bash

$ easy_install sphinxjp.themes.impressjs

.. impressjs:: setup
:data-x: 0
:data-y: -800
:data-z: -200
:data-scale: 1

*setup your* “conf.py“ *with:*

.. code-block:: python

extensions = [‘sphinxjp.themecore’]
html_theme = ‘sphinxjp.themes.impressjs’
html_use_index = False

.. impressjs:: make
:data-x: 1000
:data-y: -800
:data-rotate-y: -30
:data-scale: 1

*and run:*

.. code-block:: bash

$ make html

then you’ll get this page’s style HTML output. Enjoy!

.. impressjs:: requirements
:data-x: 1000
:data-y: 0
:data-rotate: 90
:data-rotate-y: -30
:data-scale: 1


Python 2.4 or later (not support 3.x)

Sphinx 1.0.x or later

.. impressjs:: license
:data-x: -1000
:data-y: 0
:data-rotate: -90
:data-rotate-y: 30
:data-scale: 1


Licensed under the MIT_ license.

See LICENSE file in details.

.. impressjs:: links
:data-x: -1000
:data-y: 800
:data-rotate: -180
:data-rotate-y: 30
:data-scale: 1


All codes on Github:

repository_, downloads_, issues_

Feel free to fork them on Github!

.. impressjs:: contents
:data-x: 0
:data-y: 0
:data-z: -200
:data-scale: 1

.. toctree::


.. impressjs:: overview
:data-x: 0
:data-y: 0
:data-scale: 3

.. content

.. _mit: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
.. _repository: https://github.com/shkumagai/sphinxjp.themes.impressjs
.. _downloads: https://github.com/shkumagai/sphinxjp.themes.impressjs/downloads
.. _issues: https://github.com/shkumagai/sphinxjp.themes.impressjs/issues

.. END
make html
open _build/html/index.html

Welcome to sphinxjp.themes.impressjs’s documentation
sphinxjp.themes.impressjs 0.1.2 : Python Package Index
impress.js | presentation tool based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers | by Bartek Szopka @bartaz